Saturday, July 5, 2014

Update on Telecine machine

I've done some tests, and with the Raspberry Pi lens unscrewed all the way, you can get a nice macro shot of the film, but I can only focus about 25mm away from the lens.  Not bad, but results in only capturing about a 1/4 of the actual total picture size.  Not good enough for the quality I want.

I have decided to play around with the optics, and have ordered a 0.67 macro lens: [ ]

The idea would be to use the Raspberry Pi camera standard focus setup, and attach the lens in reverse.

I am hoping this will achieve the result I am looking for.

Will see in 10 days time...

-- UPDATE --
11th July 2014

I've received the lens, and it has two parts.  A macro lens, and a 0.67x lens.
I unscrewed the 0.67lens and put it in front of the RaspberryPi camera.

I had to unscrew the Raspberry Pi camera lens pretty much all the way, and with the added macro lens in front of it, it resulted in a very usable image.

The usable image result in about a 1450 x 1050 image.  Fairly decent for a 720p version film :)

Now to get busy constructing a feeder and fine focus adjustment system.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dump of useful links

Stream video to mobile device.

House CH:


Audio Recording



xmas project :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Telecine machine has made a start...

Finally got going on creating my Telecine machine.

For those who have not googled "Telecine" by now, it's essentially digitizing an old 8mm (and Super 8mm) film.

My idea: Low cost, fully automated, frame by frame capture machine. (To capture some old 8mm films) 

How am I going to do this: 
1. By using a RaspberryPi as my control / capture / processing machine.
2. Use the RaspberryPi camera module (Capable of a 5M pixel grab - although - only about 1/4 is usable after some testing - which leave you with about a 1200x1200 shot - not too bad - close to full HD)
3. Stepper motor(s) (driven by the Pi - to control the feed over the 'scanning part'
4. Will be using some custom scripts to crop the film segments.
5. Virtual Dub to process the individual segments, with a plug-in to clean, sharpen, color correct, etc, the individual frames.

 So far my testing is going well. I have managed to adjust the camera to take macro shots - results are good. 
More to follow over the coming months.